One of the major challenges facing physiology is that of understanding the interactions between different systems as well as of linking organism–wide physiological functions, or dysfunction in the case of disease, to information encoded in the genome and in molecular networks.
To address this challenge, the Physiome Project of IUPS is developing an integrated biophysically-based modelling framework with associated modelling standards and a model repository in order to provide mechanistic, anatomically based, multiscale models of physiological function to help in the interpretation of complex physiological data.
The programme of our virtual congress 2022 (organized together with the Chinese Association of Physiological Sciences) has many highlights, among them the Physiome Lecture, which is given by an excellent researcher to highlight the potential of a quantitative description of physiological dynamics and functional behaviour of the intact organism. This year, the Physiome Lecture, entitled Translating patient-specific Physiome models of the respiratory system to clinical applications will be given by Professor Merryn Tawhai from the University of Auckland, NZ. Professor Tawhai is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi (RSNZ), the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering. She was awarded the 2016 MacDiarmid Medal by the RSNZ for the potential impact of her research on human health
She has developed an imaging-, statistical-, and biophysically-based model of the lung that pulls together our understanding of the interaction between different systems of airways, tissue, circulation, and exchange, and that accounts for scale-specific structure-function interactions. This digital lung includes sophisticated models of the pulmonary circulation that connect with the heart, respiratory gas exchange, and interacts with models of respiratory control. Thus, her research links patient-specific lung structure to function for simulation of ventilation distribution, perfusion distribution, and gas exchange
We are looking forward to her lecture on May 10th, 2022!
Interested? You can still register for the congress!