Apply for Membership


To make an application, it is necessary to submit:

  1. A copy of the Constitution (and/or By-Laws, Statutes) of the Society in its original language, plus an English translation if necessary.
  2. A list of the Officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer) currently serving in the Society with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
  3. An up-to-date estimate of the number of members both honorary and dues paying.
  4. A formal letter of application on the Society letterhead from a senior officer which should state clearly for which category of membership the Society is applying (see sample letter below).

The three types of membership for physiological societies are as follows:

1. Adhering Body with Supporting Society: When the national physiological society of a country is to be represented at IUPS by an official body, such as a National Academy or Research Council, the official body is referred to as the Adhering Body, and the National Member Society is the Supporting Society.

When applying for membership of this type, one should submit the name, address and email address of the contact person at the National Body which would be the Adhering Body for IUPS, and apply for Supporting Society membership. A document showing a firm commitment of the Adhering Body for the Supporting Society, both logistically and financially, should be provided.

Adhering Bodies pay the annual dues (see below*) and are asked to name the official delegates with voting rights to the quadrennial General Assembly normally held just prior to the Congress. They may also be eligible to nominate a representative to serve on the IUPS Advisory Committee which operates between congresses.

2. Adhering Body with no Supporting Body: In countries with no National Body representation, the national Physiological society is itself the Adhering Body and applies for membership as an Adhering Body. Adhering Bodies pay annual dues (see below*) and can send official delegates with voting rights to the quadrennial General Assembly normally held just prior to the Congress.

3. Associate Member: An associate member does not pay dues and does not have voting rights at the General Assembly, but it is hoped it will send observers. It is expected that as Societies expand and economic conditions improve, the Associate Member status would be changed to Adhering Member.

*Annual dues are by agreement with the Treasurer of IUPS, Dr. Patricia Molina,, based on the size of the society and its financial capabilities.

Applications and correspondence should be addressed to Ulrich Pohl, IUPS Secretary General, cc’d to the IUPS Manager, Steven Webster.


Adhering Body

Dear Dr. Pohl,

As President [or Secretary General or Treasurer] of the [name of society], I would like to apply for membership in the International Union of Physiological Sciences. As such we are prepared to pay yearly dues which we will arrange with the IUPS Treasurer based on the size of our society. We understand that the amount we pay in dues will determine the number of delegates we can send to the General Assembly.

We have attached a copy of our constitution (with an English translation) and a list of our officers with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. We currently have [number] active members in our Society.

Thank you for considering the [name of society] as a member of IUPS. We look forward to hearing from you regarding our request.



Supporting Society

Dear Dr. Pohl,

As President [or Secretary General or Treasurer] of the [name of society], I would like to apply for Supporting Society membership in the International Union of Physiological Sciences to be represented as the Adhering Body by the (name of national body). As the Adhering Body they are prepared to pay yearly dues which will be arranged with the IUPS Treasurer based on the size and situation of our society as well as any represent us in any legal fashion necessary. We understand that the amount we pay in dues will determine the number of delegates representing our society to be sent to the General Assembly.

We have attached a copy of our constitution (with an English translation) and a list of our officers with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, along with a letter of commitment from the (name of the National academy). We currently have [number] active members in our Society.

Thank you for considering the [name of society] as a member of IUPS. We look forward to hearing from you regarding our request.


Associate Member

Dear Dr. Pohl,

As President [or Secretary General or Treasurer] of the [name of society], I would like to apply for Associate membership in the International Union of Physiological Sciences. As such we are aware that there will be no yearly dues to pay that any delegates we wish to send to the General Assembly may only act as observers.

We have attached a copy of our constitution (with an English translation) and a list of our officers with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. We currently have [number] active members in our Society.

Thank you for considering the [name of society] as a member of IUPS. We look forward to hearing from you regarding our request.
