Board of the General Assembly
The Board of the General Assembly (BGA) is a group of 15 members who act as the main communication channel between member societies and the Executive Committee and Council. BGA increases and expands the ability of the GA to play continuing, active roles in the management and operation of IUPS during the periods between the quadrennial full meetings of the GA that take place at IUPS Congresses and plays an important role in the nomination of candidates for the Executive Committee and Council.
It contributes to increased and wider participation in organizational direction and policy-making through a reasonable balance in its membership between representatives of both the larger and smaller participating societies in IUPS and between representatives from the different regions of the world. For more details on the function of BGA read the Constitution and Bylaws.
BGA has also the responsibility to develop and present to each full meeting of the GA a written assessment of the current status of the field of physiology world-wide, emphasizing major challenges, opportunities, and problems.
The Board of the General Assembly of IUPS commissioned the 2022 report under the leadership of Prof. Jayasree Sengupta and Susan M. Barman for assessing the global strength of physiology as a discipline. Topics include academic resources, collaborative global networks, exchange of technical and experimental models with an emphasis on translational and regenerative medicine and the Physiome. A PDF file of the report can be downloaded
See also the 2017 BGA report: Physiology: Current Trends and Future Challenges
The members of BGA 2022-2025. Simiat Elias and Colin Brown co-chair the BGA