The Council is composed of twenty individuals elected by the General Assembly. Five of the twenty individuals shall be the current officers of the Union. Eleven shall be the chairpersons of Commissions and Committees. Four shall be representatives of geographic regions, as defined by the Board of the General Assembly. The council is the legal representative of the Union and acts as its administrative body between meetings of the General Assembly. Semi-annually, Council meets with the Executive Committee by teleconference. More details on Council can be found in article V of the Constitution & Bylaws
The members of council 2022-2025
Bennet, Laura (New Zealand)
Regional Representative Asia/Oceania
Boron, Walter (USA)
Publications Committee
Calkovska, Andrea (Slovakia)
Ethics Committee
Carroll, Robert (USA)
Education Committee
Chan, Ying Shing (Hongkong)
Commission IV - Neurobiology
Chun, Yang-Sook (South Korea)
Commission VIII—Genomics and Biodiversity
Csernoch, László (Hungary)
Commission I - Locomotion
Essop, M. Faadiel (South Africa)
Regional Representative Africa
Filaretova, Ludmila (Russia)
Commission III - Endocrine, Reproduction & Development
Fuller, Andrea (South Africa)
Commission VII - Comparative: Evolution, Adaptation and Environment
Leftheriotis, Georges (France)
Regional Representative Europe
McCulloch, Andrew (USA)
Physiome Committee
Okamura, Yasushi (Japan)
Commission VI - Molecular and Cellular
Sobrevia, Luis (Chile)
Regional Representative North/South America
Thomsen, Morten (Denmark)
Commission II - Circulation and Respiration
Yu, Linda Chia-Hui (Taiwan)
Commission V - Secretion and absorption