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Hello from the IUPS President, Susan Wray

It is a great pleasure to introduce myself as the new President of IUPS. After serving as First Vice-President, I am aware of the responsibility that comes with being President of this great union. It was a pleasure to serve and learn under former President, Julie Chan. In accepting the nomination for President, I saw an opportunity to ensure we continue to do things that are important to physiologists worldwide and their national societies. As President, I will protect the special role IUPS has irrespective of whether you are based in the South, West, North or East. All physiologists should feel they have a stake in IUPS and the matters we all care about.
During my Presidency, I will work with the Executive Committee, the Board of the General Assembly, and our Council, to deliver on IUPS’s key goals of promoting physiology and physiologists and supporting science without borders for the benefit of all. This will require listening to all voices, making our communications effective and transparent, and synergising our activities. We should also find ways to get others involved and help us succeed with specific projects and aims – there’s much more to IUPS than its Congress! The digital mechanisms thrust upon us during the pandemic, can now be harnessed to keep conversations flowing and improve engagement.
My love of physiology and respect for IUPS will make being President a job I will relish and do my utmost to deliver on. Over the coming months the executive officers will develop and share the plans, priorities and goals for our relatively short terms of office. Come back to the IUPS website for updates.
I will work to deliver on the IUPS mission and ensure the joy of physiology shines bright and inspires us, and the next generation of physiologists.
IUPS currently represents more than 60 national physiological societies
The International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS), was founded in 1953 to represent the discipline of physiology in international organizations and give it a global voice. It also provides a platform for worldwide exchange between physiologists of all countries by supporting global and regional scientific events, regional workshops, and supporting, with expertise of its members, the development of regional structures. IUPS especially supports young scientists by offering travel awards to international meetings. IUPS liaises with national physiological societies and other organizations worldwide to facilitate initiatives that strengthen the discipline of physiology and cultivate the next generation physiologists.

Physiology is a basic medical science, it matters to you
Physiology is an exciting science! Physiologists all over the world work hard to get an up to date understanding of the function of organs and the whole body. Modern methods like genomics, molecular biology, cell biology, high resolution microscopy, and carefully developed animal models are used to understand basic cellular processes and their interactions. It is the specific goal of physiologists to link these primarily isolated findings to a comprehensive view of the functions of the body. We want and need to understand how complex biological systems like our body work.
Thus, physiology is a basic medical science as knowledge of normal functions of the body is the basis for understanding diseases and identifying targets for effective treatment.
Did you know that the often cited “Nobel Prize in Medicine” is indeed established as the “Noble Prize in Physiology and Medicine”? This underpins the important role of physiology for all disciplines of modern medicine.

How is IUPS fostering its mission and related goals?
To serve its mission, IUPS has several major activities that are regularly revised and adapted to our long-range strategic planning.
Current major activities include
The development of an IUPS mentoring programme bringing expert peers together with early career physiologists particularly in countries with less developed infrastructure. Teaching workshops and workshops on physiological methods are held on a regular basis, mostly in Africa and Asia. IUPS is promoting the development of advanced computational models of physiological function and standards of worldwide sharing of physiological data and models. To support this focus on the “Physiome Project” the IUPS is also launching an innovative new journal (Physiome) with the goal of improving model reproducibility and sharing in physiological science. To support global interaction between physiologists, IUPS – in conjunction with a national physiological society – organizes an international meeting (IUPS Congress) every four years. IUPS also contributes symposia and travel awards to other physiological meetings worldwide. IUPS is also broadcasting scientific events of potential interest for physiologists.
Media: The Way IUPS is Communicating
IUPS provides a platform to find up-to-date news related to physiology and physiological societies. IUPS publishes two journals, the award winning Physiology (with the American Physiological Society) and Physiome . Physiome publishes computational models in a form that promotes replication and shared use by the scientific community. Our communications include statements by the IUPS and our member societies on important topics including research, human and animal subject ethical standards, diversity, human rights, and social justice. Recommendations on the development of physiological sciences, career development, the appropriate use of methods, study design, statistics, and scientific integrity can also be found on these web pages.