IUPS activities are based on teamwork
The General Assembly, consisting of delegates nominated by adhering bodies and their supporting societies, convenes every four years at the IUPS Congress to elect the leadership and to decide about the aims and actions of IUPS. It elects the members of the IUPS Council as well as the President, two Vice Presidents, the Treasurer, and the Secretary General, who form the Executive Committee (supported by the IUPS Manager). The Board of the General Assembly is a 15-person group authorized by the GA to act on its behalf between meetings of the full GA. It is also tasked with producing a report to the GA detailing the current status of the field of physiology world-wide, emphasizing major challenges, opportunities, and problems.
Together, these active physiologists work on promoting and representing physiology on the international scene, enable communication between physiologists and with the public worldwide, and (co-)organizing scientific meetings publications and events.
Our officers and staff
- Executive Committee
- Board of the General Assembly
- Council
- Commissions
- Education Committee
- Ethics Committee
- Physiome Committee
- General Assembly
- IUPS Secretariat